Women Only Annapurna Trek In Nepal: All You Need To Know
Oct 25, 2023 By Juliana Daniel

Our women-only treks are built on the firm belief that powerful change can occur when women work together.

A major unresolved issue in Nepal's adventure travel business is the lack of specialized products and guaranteed services for women trekkers, despite the country's status as a popular trekking and hiking destination over the past four decades.

Despite its historic patriarchal value system, it is clear to anybody familiar with Nepali society that Nepal easily earns the claim to be Safe for Women, especially for international travelers. It's easy to assume that men are the target audience for adventure tours of Nepal, especially in the mountainous interior.

Although women have made up a sizable portion of Nepal trekkers from the beginning, men make up most of the country's clients. That is still true today, as evidenced by the absence of stores stocking items exclusively for women in many popular hiking regions. The fact that it's also strenuous physically contributes to this impression.

Trekking Annapurna Circuit With The Group:

The Annapurna Massif comes from Annapurna, the Hindu goddess of plenty. Annapurna was rumored to be the mountain king Himavat's daughter. Therefore, she gave the mountains her name. The fact that "Annapurna" consists of only one word is significant. Annapurna is the name of both a Hindu goddess and a spectacular mountain range in Nepal.

If you're a solitary traveler trekking with a group, the prospect of following your pre-planned list is overwhelming. Going alone lets you stick to your plans. The group traveling is safer. The crew is constantly happy, and a local, well-trained guide gives current information and jokes to entertain the ride. In summary, both offer advantages.

Is Nepal Safe For Women Trekkers?

Oh, Nepal! An adventurer's paradise with world-class routes and a spiritual refuge. But how safe are Nepali women trekkers?

Yes, definitely! Women have trekked Nepal's stunning landscapes for decades without feeling uncomfortable. Nepalis are friendly, progressive, respectful of women, and always willing to serve travelers.

Nepal has many great local guides who help female trekkers enjoy their trip. These experienced and pleasant locals ensure your best experience by providing safety advice and helping you find the best views.

Increasing Female Trekking Interest:

Now that we live in a modern, revolutionary world, women are climbing the highest mountains. Time also increases the number of Nepali female guides each year. To empower women, most tourism entrepreneurs hire other women. Few agencies have all-female guides, porters, and personnel. Female porters are given loads based on their physical ability to make their journey comfortable.

Female trekking guides in Nepal are rarer than guys because they started doing it later. As demand for female trekking guides rises, so do their numbers. Women were behind, but they could still reach the top!

Which Season Is Ideal For Trekking In Nepal?

What you seek from Nepal hiking determines the optimum season. Peak The rainy season ends in October, making trekking season in Nepal. It's not snowing or chilly, yet the clouds reveal the most stunning Himalayan views. The drawback of peak Nepal hiking season? Prices soar, and there are so many people that hiking becomes like waiting in line.

There are other fantastic periods to trek in Nepal if you want some alone time. Despite this, the monsoon season (June–August) is not recommended because of the high risk of landslides and other weather-related disasters. Spring trekking in Nepal from March to May offers sunshine, warmth, tranquility, full-blooming rhododendrons, and occasional rain.

Four Seasons In One Trek:

The beautiful early weather may make you doubt utilizing those warm clothes. As you ascend, you'll understand why you carry garments above 3000m. From alpine to tropical, the Annapurna circuit trip offers all weather conditions. Some days, you'll trek in shorts and a t-shirt, while other days, you'll cover your body since it's freezing up high.

The wide variety of climate zones of Annapurna makes for a great vista. Be prepared, then question your guide about the picture and temperature.

The great diversity of climates at Annapurna makes for a spectacular panorama. If you want to know what to expect regarding scenery and weather, it's best to consult your guide in advance.

Nepal trekking tips:

Pack for every season:

Packing light when hiking in Nepal for days, weeks, or months is crucial, yet the country will reveal its many faces. When walking in Nepal, you'll likely experience every season—even in one day.

Consider extra time:

Always underestimate how far you can walk in a day in the Himalayas when planning hiking routes. Nepali paths can deceive. Mountain-raised residents estimate route completion times. They fly across the routes faster than passengers since they know the altitude and steep terrain.

Buy decent hiking boots:

When you visit Nepal, you'll see folks wear worn-out Adidas before hiking. Remember that Nepalis have spent their life walking up and down mountains and often don't have good shoes.

Here, don't follow the natives. Buy high-quality hiking boots that support your ankles and prevent slipping on rain and ice before trekking in Nepal to prepare your feet for 8-hour days on the trails.


Before the Annapurna Circuit trip, you must know about trekking permits, hiking solo or in a group, what to pack, how long it takes, and finances. Your bucket list may include hiking the Annapurna Circuit. The hike is breathtaking and life-changing. I guess that the voyage will grab your attention right away.

Traveling through most of the world's tallest mountains in tropical and frigid alpine climates is difficult. You must enthusiastically walk on foot, enjoying the natural beauty and Nepalese friendliness while studying their culture and traditions. After 16 days on the hardest routes, leaving might be tough. Arriving in Pokhara is rewarding.