Tonle Sap Floating Village: Siem Reap's Extraordinary Day Excursion
Mar 07, 2023 By Juliana Daniel

It's natural to wonder, "but what else is there to do in Siem Reap besides temples?" if you're organizing a vacation to Cambodia. Floating cottages on the vast Tonle Sap Lake are one of Cambodia's hidden jewels that many tourists overlook on their way to the more well-known Angkor Temple (like Kompong Phluk). If you're looking for an unforgettable Southeast Asian experience, a trip to the Tonle Sap floating village should be at your list.

Why Is Tonle Sap So Special?

Tonle Sap is, without a doubt, Southeast Asia's biggest freshwater lake. UNESCO has declared the area a Biosphere Reserve because of the high concentration of natural resources there, including a seasonal population of waterbirds.

The fisherman who harvests the waters of Tonle Sap and their families live in several towns, known as "floating villages," in the rivers and channels that feed into the lake. The floating villages, such as the village of Kompong Phluk, are stilted wooden cottages, similar to those that line Bangkok's Khlong (canals). Still, with one notable difference: they are elevated over Tonle Sap Lake.

Why Does Cambodia Need Tonle Sap Lake?

Not only is Tonle Sap Lake one of the most visually stunning locations in Asia, but it also serves as a vital ecosystem for Cambodia, purifying the water thanks to its flooded trees, providing half of the fish eaten in Cambodia due to its status as one of the world's most productive fishing lakes, and serving as a haven for a wide variety of marine wildlife and other organisms.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia's capital, is located where the Tonle Sap River joins the Mekong. Amazingly, it's the only river in the world that reverses its flow direction at different times of the year. The high water levels in the Mekong and the power of the water led the Tonle Sap River to reverse its current direction and flow back into its lake around June.

During the next few months, Tonle Sap Lake will serve as a gigantic bathtub for the Mekong as its water rushes north to the Tonle Sap river. Agricultural land is fertilized and irrigated, and more water and wildlife are brought into the region due to this process.

Do You Think Tonle Sap Is Shrinking?

From June to November, when monsoons hit, the water level in Tonle Sap Lake can increase by more than four times. Concerns have been raised, however, about how the water levels of Tonle Sap may be affected by upstream dams and climate change, which is bringing less rain to the Mekong area.

It might have repercussions for the fish and other creatures that live in and around the water. The Tonle Sap is a popular tourist attraction all year long. Tonle Sap Lake and its floating villages are best seen during the rainy season, so plan your Siem Reap floating village trip accordingly. By this point, the water should be up to the stilted houses, and the mangrove trees will be under.

What Is The Depth Of Tonle Sap?

Tonle Sap's depth can exceed 10 meters during the monsoon season when the waters are at their maximum owing to the shift in the direction of flow (caused by the pressure of the water in the Mekong driving it back into the lake). Nevertheless, during the dry season, the water levels decrease as the river's flow reverses course to return to the Mekong.

Do Crocodiles Live In Tonle Sap lake?

Crocodile farms may be found on Tonle Sap Lake, one part of my Tonle Sap floating village trip I avoided by remaining on the boat. Unfortunately, the lake is home to a population of Siamese crocodiles, which is declining due to the species' high economic value. In addition to crocodiles, the Tonle Sap Lake is home to at least eleven kinds of water snakes.

Should You Visit Tonle Sap?

In a word, yeah. One of the nicest things to do in the area is to take a day trip to a Tonle Sap floating hamlet from Siem Reap. My excursion included visiting the floating town of Kompong Phluk on Tonle Sap Lake, albeit it wasn't floating while I was there and was rather high and dry. Nevertheless, we did pass several other stilted homes immersed in the water.